Elevate Your Skills and Impact as Music Therapist

Select your next music therapy

continuing education CMTE classes

from the diverse range of topics below.

You can earn all your credits in one place - online!

Once you purchase your classes you will access them in our student portal.


1. Buy Individual CMTE Classes-

No expiration dates

Generally $25/credit, some special deals

2. Join the CMTE Club Membership-

All the classes you want to take

Over 35 topics- 200 possible CMTE credits

Professional peer supervision/ mastermind group for music therapists

Access to old and new classes for as long as you are a member

Member discounts on DBT specialty classes & more

$79/month/12 months

or annual payment of $790 (get 2 months free!).

Your rate will never go up for the duration of your membership.

Choose individual classes below:

Or click here to join the membership!


Click on a circle below to see the classes in each category.

Below the categories is an alphabetical list of all classes.


To search within this or any page, click control F (Find) and then type in what you are searching for.

ASL Essentials:

Signs and Songs

for Communication

8 CMTE Credits




6 CMTE Credits

Best Practices for Working with Transgender, Non-Binary, or Gender Expansive Clients

2 CMTE Credits- Ethics Credits

Attuning and


for Therapist and Client

5 CMTE Credits

CMTE Club -

Premium access to

All Classes + Supervision

As many credits as you need!


Music Therapy

Goals and Objectives

4 CMTE Credits

Creative Innovations in

Mental Health & Addictions:
A guide to the 12-Steps in Practice

15 CMTE Credits

Crystal Singing Bowls 101: Foundations of Sound Healing and Scientific Applications in Music Therapy from a Transpersonal MT

3 CMTE Credits

Data Driven:

Digital Forms

for Music Therapy

3 CMTE Credits

Designing Music

Wellness Classes

for Your Community

2 CMTE Credits

DBT Essentials

Toolkit for

Music Therapists

23 CMTE Credits

DBT Music Therapy

Intervention Library

& Resource Hub

21 CMTE Credits

DBT Informed Music Therapy


Comprehensive Training Program

100 CMTE Credits

Engaging Telehealth Tips

and Tricks for

Music Therapists

3 CMTE Credits

Engaging Seniors



3 CMTE Credits

Engaging Seniors


Musical Improvisation

7 CMTE Credits


Tips and Tricks

for the Advancing Guitarist

8 CMTE Credits


Song Introductions

& Endings

8 CMTE Credits

Guitar: Rhythm

and Accompaniment

for Stylistic Playing

10 CMTE Credits



Private Practice

13 CMTE Credits

Hospice 101:

An Introduction

to Hospice Music Therapy

3 CMTE Credits

Intro to Banjo

for Music Therapists

and Teachers

5 CMTE Credits


are the Alphabet Soup:

Understanding the IEP

5 CMTE Credits

Inner Circle-

Music Therapy

Supervision & Mastermind Group

16 CMTE Credits- Ethics Credits

Music Improvisation

through a Unique

Psychodynamic Lens

3 CMTE Credits

Music Therapy

and Compassion Fatigue:

HELP! My job is killing me!

6 CMTE Credits


and Music

in Clinical Practice

8 CMTE Credits

Moving Towards Each Other: AntiRacism


3 CMTE Credits- Ethics Credits

Music Therapy

Ethics and Standards:

A Breakdown

3 CMTE Credits- Ethics Credits

Music Therapy

for Chronic

Pain Management

8 CMTE Credits

Music Therapy

with Kids

and Teens

3 CMTE Credits

Music Therapy

in the

Preschool Classroom

3 CMTE Credits

Music Therapy


Special Education

6 CMTE Credits

Neurologic Strategies for Speech & Language for Individuals with Autism and Other Special Needs

6 CMTE Credits

Songwriting Strategies

for Therapeutic Impact:
Lyric Replacement and DBT

2 CMTE Credits

Speak so the

Power of Persuasion is on Your Side and Your Practice Grows

5 CMTE Credits

Social Skills Training for

Children through

Music Therapy

5 CMTE Credits

Starting a

Music Therapy


13 CMTE Credits

The Art of


for Healthcare Professionals

7 CMTE Credits

Tools for


Guided Imagery

5 CMTE Credits

The Art of Improvisation

for Use in

Music Therapy

6 CMTE Credits

The Holistic Voice:

Embodying and Embracing the Instrument You’re Born With

4 CMTE Credits

The Voice as a Tool

for Healing

Emotional Wounds

5 CMTE Credits

The Keys

to Working with

Difficult Clients

10 CMTE Credits

Understanding Neurodiversity and Modified DBT Techniques

in Music Therapy

9 CMTE Credits

Verbal Counselling

and Psychotherapy Techniques

for Music Therapists

6 CMTE Credits

If you are not satisfied with any class for any reason you can exchange it for any other class in the catalog of similar credits and cost.


Fill out the form to get all the following:

    • Educational opportunities to elevate your skills and impact

    • Resources to enhance your practice

    • Motivation and support for music therapists

    • Special offers and deals to affordably earn your credits

    • Updates about available CMTE opportunities

Yes, please send me music therapy resources & motivation.

We will not share your information. You can unsubscribe at any time.

You can always unsubscribe,

and we will keep your info safe.