Class Description

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Songwriting Strategies for Therapeutic Impact: Integrating Lyric Replacement and DBT in Music Therapy (2 CMTEs)


Songwriting Strategies for Therapeutic Impact: Integrating Lyric Replacement and DBT in Music Therapy (2 credits)

Presented by Kim Johnson, LMHC, MT-BC

If you seek new ideas for structuring songwriting interventions and the prompts to use, this CMTE is for you!

Kim Johnson LMHC,MT-BC will even teach you how to use songwriting in a way that your clients gain skills to get through difficult times.

In this class, you will learn about how to use songwriting in music therapy sessions using lyric replacement/parody. This is an experiential workshop, where you not only will see the techniques demonstrated, but will also learn how to apply this to your population.

You will also learn the DBT distress tolerance skill called IMPROVE the moment and how to use it with this song writing method so that your sessions can help clients survive difficult moments without making things worse.

If you know about DBT or not, this creative workshop will give you new tools for songwriting experiences. 2 CMTE credits




Live Zoom Online Class- Tuesday, 8/8/23

 6:30-8:30 Eastern 5:30-7:30 Central, 4:30-6:30 Mountain, 3:30-5:30 Pacific

  1. Introductions and Course Overview (10 min)

    • Welcome participants and introduce the instructor, Kim Johnson LMHC, MT-BC

    • Provide an overview of the course objectives and structure

  2. Lyric Replacement/Parody: Techniques and Applications (5 min)

    • Explain the concept of lyric replacement/parody in songwriting interventions

    • Discuss various applications and benefits in music therapy sessions

  3. Specific Lyric Replacement/Parody Method (10 min)

    • Present a detailed overview and demonstration of a specific lyric replacement/parody method

    • Discuss its effectiveness and potential for different client populations

  4. Pairing Interventions with DBT Skills (10 min)

    • Explore the connection between songwriting interventions and Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

    • Discuss how different DBT skills can complement and enhance the songwriting process

  5. Teaching DBT Skill: IMPROVE the Moment (15 min)

    • Introduce the DBT distress tolerance skill called IMPROVE the moment

    • Explain its purpose and how it can be integrated into songwriting interventions

Break (10 min)

  1. Experiential/Workshop Intervention (40 min)

    • Engage participants in an experiential activity using the lyric replacement/parody method

    • Allow participants to practice and apply the technique in a supportive environment

  2. Processing Experiences through a DBT Lens (10 min)

    • Teach participants how to process songwriting experiences through a DBT framework

    • Discuss ways to facilitate reflection and insight using DBT principles

  3. Question and Answer Session (10 min)

    • Address participant questions and concerns related to the workshop content

    • Provide additional clarification and guidance as needed

End: 8:30p EST

Follow-up Assignment (30 min)

  • Participants will have 30 minutes to complete a follow-up assignment:

    • Write an email or a written self-study assignment explaining how they would incorporate the songwriting intervention ideas from the workshop into their own practice.

    • Describe how they would integrate the DBT skill of IMPROVE the moment into their songwriting interventions.

    • Reflect on the potential impact of these techniques on their clients’ ability to navigate difficult moments effectively.

Please note that the duration of the breaks and the order of the activities can be adjusted based on the preferences and needs of the participants and the instructor at the time.

This course will be a total of 135 minutes long.  After the live event, it will be offered as a prerecorded self-study course.

105 minutes of prerecorded verbal instruction will take place, and then course participants will be assigned a homework assignment that will take approximately 30 minutes to complete and submit after the course is presented.


Learning Objectives:

1. Identify what measurable outcomes participants will gain from this course. 2. Participants will demonstrate understanding of how to apply a lyric replacement/parody intervention with their population. 3. Participants will be able to demonstrate comprehension and ability to teach/utilize the DBT skill called IMPROVE the moment with their clients.


CBMT Domain Areas:

III A 5m III A 3ac4a


Songwriting Strategies for Therapeutic Impact: Integrating Lyric Replacement and DBT in Music Therapy is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 2 CMTEs-Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. The Spiegel Academy, CBMT Approved Provider #P-106, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.

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