LCAT - Music Therapy in the Preschool Classroom (5.5 contact hours)
$55.00/ month
Presented by Jeffrey Friedberg MT-BC, LCAT
This in-depth interactive workshop will present a comprehensive overview to the hows, whats and whys of providing music in the preschool setting. Discussion will cover the following:
building a developmentally appropriate repertoire to engage the children
building a positive working relationship with your students
meeting educational and therapy goals
structuring sessions to best meet goals
managing challenging behavior
integrating the class into a preschool institutional session
avoiding burnout
You will be given a homework assignment of designing 4 x 30 minute sessions to meet specific goals. After completing the Course Evaluation Form you will be emailed a certificate of completion.
Will state 10 songs/activities to use in the pre-school classroom
Will recall 4 elements to include when designing structure of classes toengage and build skills
Will compare 4 techniques to manage behavior and simultaneously buildtherapeutic relationship
Will summarize 4 strategies on how to successfully integrate music therapy into the educational setting
30 minutes – Introduction and Overview
30 minutes- Therapeutic Preschool Environment:
Discussion of the realities of being a music therapist in a therapeutic preschool environment. Review of scheduling, staff support, access to information. equipment and treatment planning.
30 minutes- Needs, Challenges and Strengths:
What are the needs and challenges as well as strengths of children in therapeutic preschool environment? What are goals and objectives attainable in this environement?
30 minutes Class Structure: How to structure class to maximize engagement and learning of skills.
1 hour- Repertoire building: Discussion of traditional, adapted and original songs and how they can be used to meet therapy goals.
1 hour- Behavior Management and The Therapeutic Relationship: Building a therapeutic relationship is essential in helping children learn and grow. Discussion on how to re-direct challenging behavior in ways that both help build relationship and achieve therapy goals.
30 minutes Q & A
1 hour self study assignment
(III.A.1.a-g) Develop a therapeutic relationship
(III.A.2.g,h,i,l,u,y) Provide individualized music therapy experiences to address clients’: (g) affect, emotions, and moods; (h) agitation; (i) aggression; (l) attention (i.e. focused, sustained, selective, alternating, divided); (u) executive functions (e.g., decision making, problem solving); (y) group cohesion and/or a feeling of group membership
(III.A.5.z)Offer coaching to family, caregivers, and peers to maintain and support the client’s therapeutic progress
(II.D.3) Collaborate with other professionals and/or family, caregivers, and personal network to design interdisciplinary treatment programs
(II.D.8) Create environment or space conducive to client engagement
(II.D.9,10) Consider client’s age, culture, language, music background, and preferences when designing music therapy experiences. Design experiences to generalize goals and objectives across settings, people, subjects, behaviors or time.
(II.D.5) Consider the frequency, intensity, duration, service delivery model (e.g., individual or group sessions) when developing a treatment plan
(II.D.13) Structure and organize music therapy experiences within each session to create therapeutic contour (e.g., transitions, pacing, sequencing, energy level, intensity)
(III.A.5.i,j) Integrate movement with music and utilize a variety of music repertoire.
music therapy
continuing education
Music Therapy in the Preschool Classroom is approved by the Certification Board for Music Therapists (CBMT) for 6 CMTEs-Continuing Music Therapy Education credits. The Spiegel Academy, CBMT Approved Provider #P-106, maintains responsibility for program quality and adherence to CBMT policies and criteria.